Baby Longlegs - A lemon poundcake and lemonade perfume

$18.00 - $40.00

I get a terr'ble awful ache
'specially when it rains.
At first I was a 'fraidy cat
But now I know it's growing pains!

Lemon pound cake, Madeline cookies, vanilla bean, sandalwood cream, salted butter

Comes in a 5ml dropper bottle, 10ml rollerball containing perfume oil and carrier, or a 30ml alcohol-free spray bottle.

THIS SCENT USES LEMON ESSENTIAL OIL. While I use high quality distilled lemon oil properly diluted within safe limits, please take care. Do not over use and make sure you wear your sunscreen as citrus oils can cause photosensitivity. While distilled lemon essential oil causes this far less than expeller pressed, I do want to recommend those of you with sensitive skin, please don't forget your sunscreen. The sun is a beautiful creature who does not care if you live or die.